It's finally here, the first 100% environmentally friendly approach to cutting your most common carpet stains.

Most mainstream brands use chlorine, bleach, ammonia or any number of combined chemicals that cause harm to both our bodies and the environment. These carcinogenic products are found in many off the shelf cleaning solutions and are also used by many carpet cleaning companies... Yikes! It doesn't have to be this way though. Multiple studies have proven that all natural cleaning products can cut almost all stains that we come across. All that's missing is open, transparent knowledge to help consumers make educated decisions to cut stains and health threatening chemical for good...

You asked for it, you got it. The all in one infographic for environmentally friendly and effective DIY stain removal. 

Knowledge is power. Consider being of value to your network by sharing the power of eco-cleaning.

Knowledge is power. Consider being of value to your network by sharing the power of eco-cleaning.

Please comment with tips and feedback. We're excited to grow this movement with the help of DIYers around the world. Use this first ever version of eco-infographic to help create both cleaner homes, health, and planet.

Still providing small town remedies in the big city since the 80's!

Peace and Love,

The Carpeteer

P.S. If you're in Vancouver, Canada and would like our services, feel free to call 604.240.7787 and ask for Jeff.

Discloser: We do not accept any responsibility for the outcome of using the above information. Use at your own discretion.